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What to Expect from Jalupro Treatment?

What to Expect from Jalupro Treatment?

What to Expect from Jalupro Treatment?

Young, beautiful, and healthy skin is a dream of so many men and women. The condition of our skin is determined by many factors: heredity, diet, lifestyle, age, certain diseases, skincare, certain habits. Smoking, stress, lack of sleep, heavy makeup, sunbathing, poor nutrition, and so on make the skin look dull, exhausted, dehydrated and leed to premature aging, formation of deep wrinkles, sagging, loss of elasticity. Fortunately, modern cosmetology offers various solutions for aged skin and improving skin texture and completion. Jalupro is one of the most innovative cosmetic treatments to make the skin produce collagen and elastin, rejuvenating itself from the inside. Let’s find out more about this wonderful minimally invasive procedure that reduces fine lines, reduces sagging skin, boosts hydration, and nourishes derma on the cellular level.

What is Jalupro Skin Booster, and when is it Necessary?


Biorevitalization with Jalupro is a demanded and effective anti-aging procedure. It is recommended for men and women over 30 years of age.

Jalupro bio revitalization is most often carried out when age-related changes like fine lines and wrinkles appear. This procedure is also indicated for photoaging deterioration of the skin condition as a result of the action of sun damage and ultraviolet radiation. Lovers of sunbathing on the beaches and in solariums, as well as those working in the fresh air, are prone to this state. Photoaging is often noted in the absence of these factors in the owners of thin and sensitive skin.

At a relatively young age, Jalupro bio revitalization helps to level the first symptoms of skin aging, the effects of rapid weight loss, and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. And for people of middle and older age groups, this procedure, with regular use, allows you to curb the aging process and smooth its manifestations, give the face and body a fresher look.

Bio revitalization is also used to reduce the severity of stretch marks and in the complex treatment of trophic skin changes.

Indications for Bio Revitalization with Jalupro Treatment

The main indications for Jalupro injections are age-related skin imperfections of the face and body and associated with a decrease in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen.

At first, fine lines and wrinkles appear in the evening, after stress, with fatigue and lack of sleep. At a relatively young age, they can be almost completely smoothed out with the help of good rest, fortified nutrition, and complex skincare. But after 30–35 years, signs of skin aging become constant companions of most people. To correct such changes and prevent their rapid progression, bio revitalization can and should be used.

  • a decrease in skin tone, which is manifested by a loss of elasticity and an increase in flabbiness, sagging skin, deepening of natural skin folds;
  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • dryness and thinning of the skin;
  • dull skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • acne scars;
  • hyperpigmentation (the appearance of noticeable age spots);
  • preparation for and rehabilitation after traumatic procedures, resurfacing, plastic surgery.

Injection procedure with Jalupro treatment works to improve the condition of the skin on the face, the submandibular region, neck, décolleté and mammary glands, abdomen, hands, shoulders, hips, areas above the knees.

It is recommended to combine bio revitalization with hardware techniques such as radiofrequency lifting, laser, and elos rejuvenation. This provides a comprehensive rejuvenation effect, multi-level lifting, and a significant improvement in the quality of the skin.

What is Special about Jalupro Aesthetic Treatment?

Jalupro dermal filler is produced by the Italian laboratory Professional Dietetics and is intended exclusively for bio revitalization and natural rejuvenation. It differs from other dermal injectables by a special combined composition of amino acids and hyaluronic acid (HA), which provides a complex effect on the deep layers of aging skin.

The main component of Jalupro is HA, which is responsible for hydrating the dermis. It also stimulates the fibroblasts responsible for the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and other structural proteins to improve skin elasticity. The HA in Jalupro is in an unstabilized state, so its molecules do not need to be released and can be used immediately by the body.

The second component of the preparation is a balanced amino acid “cocktail” that supplies material for the synthesis of proteins in the deep layers of the skin. It includes lysine, glycine, leucine, and proline, which do not differ in structure from endogenous amino acids and are immediately included in the collagen synthesis cycle.

The combination of rapidly absorbing hyaluronic acid and readily available amino acids is a key feature of Jalupro. It is this composition that provides natural internal rejuvenation with safety, efficacy, and rapid onset of clinical effect. But the components of the filler are quickly consumed by skin cells. Therefore, in order to saturate the deep layers of the dermis and achieve a long-term rejuvenating result, it is necessary to carry out a course of aesthetic treatments with Jalupro. Clarify with your doctor how many treatments you will need in your particular case.

The Procedure with Jalupro Skinbooster

When using Jalupro, the course of procedures most often consists of the main (saturating) and supporting stages. It is recommended to conduct bio revitalization sessions once every 2 weeks, with a course of 3-4 treatments, then support with one-time procedures every 1-2 months, as recommended by a doctor. No special training is required.

The skin on the treated area is pre-cleansed and treated with a local anesthetic. Biorevitalizant is introduced by intradermal microinjection into the middle layer of the dermis, the way of injecting a needle depends on the nature of the existing skin changes.

After completing the procedure, the doctor treats the skin with a cream with a disinfecting and soothing effect and gives recommendations for care.

The procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis and lasts from 20 to 60 minutes.

Recovery Period: What should I do?

In the first hours after Jalupro treatments, you can notice certain common side effects: redness and swelling of the skin are usually noted in the injection area, and papules and dots at the injection sites can persist for up to 3 days. All this passes without a trace on its own, without additional effort.

No special treatment is required during the recovery period. It is only necessary to follow the recommendations for skincare, protect the skin from direct sunlight, temporarily abandon the solarium, scrubs, baths, and saunas, and avoid increased physical exertion.

The Effects for a Perfect Skin Texture from Jalupro

Bio revitalization with Jalupro gives a fairly quick and pronounced effect:

  • increased skin turgor, reduced flabbiness, increased moisture saturation;
  • reduction in the severity of skin folds (nasolabial folds), the disappearance of superficial facial wrinkles;
  • tightening the contours (lifting effect);
  • smoothing stretch marks, stretch marks;
  • improvement of skin color.

Final Word

Jalupro is a wonderful solution for those who appreciate natural results and want their skin to look young, smooth, beautiful, and healthy without any visible changes and alterations. Being rich in amino acids, which boost inner processes of producing collagen and elastin, Jalupro nourishes the deep dermal layers, launching inner rejuvenation. Consult with your skin doctor to find more about the treatment and find out more about it. Do not forget that a choice of professional, experienced, and certified cosmetologist or dermatologist is half of the success.

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