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Dermal Filler: Top Danger Zones

Dermal Filler Top Danger Zones

Dermal Filler: Top Danger Zones

Remarkable rejuvenation effect with the help of dermal fillers; if you are reading this, you have probably heard all about the magnificent abilities of subcutaneous filler injections. Many people say that there are no aesthetic problems that cannot be solved with the help of this miraculous product. Well, yes and no.

Even though fillers are indeed an excellent solution for people who want to get rid of aging signs or other skin imperfections, they are still not universal and can’t be applied for any request when it comes to treatment. And because plenty of patients in the cosmetic beauty sphere are slightly naive and don’t really understand this fact, we’ve decided to prepare this article. Stay here and learn all crucial info about dermal filler danger zones and areas that require caution and a great experience in administration practice from a specialist.

Fillers are meant for professional use only, which means you can only buy dermal fillers online if there is a valid medical license. EuroMex is ready to provide all needed products to the specialist’s clinic at the most affordable price; check out the range of available goods on the website.

Popular Brands and Other General Information About Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are gel-like injectables meant for skin rejuvenation treatments and general appearance improvement. For many years now, they have been used in the cosmetic beauty sphere to help people reach their desired looks without the need to go under the surgeon’s knife and deal with a durable and sometimes tedious recovering process.

There are five main types of fillers, which are defined based on the active substance in its base: hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, polyalkylimide, polylactic acid, and polymethyl-methacrylate microspheres (PMMA). Those have various purposes, durability, working principle, and other important factors, so the correct one should be chosen based on a person’s needs and final aesthetic goals.

When it comes to the brands widely used in aesthetic medicine, it is pretty hard to pick a top three (even a top-five would be challenging to choose) because there are so many fantastic options out there. For example, if you’d like a hyaluronic acid-based filler, Juvederm, Restylane, or Belotero would be a nice option; as for calcium hydroxylapatite, Radiesse would work perfectly well. However, we would like to remind you that only a licensed and experienced medical professional is able to define the correct treatment to make sure it will be effective and helpful for one’s skin peculiarities. A specialist’s help also reduces the chances of severe adverse effects after the procedure.

Danger Zones. Dermal Fillers and Their Risks

Even though injectable fillers work incredibly well to remove wrinkles, restore volume, and improve the general condition of the skin’s tone and texture, they cannot be used for every part of the facial surface. Moreover, wrong filler products used in the incorrect spots may lead to genuinely menacing results, and nobody surely wants that. So, let’s have a closer look at where you should avoid injecting fillers and what are the most common danger zones for these products.

dermal filler

Supraorbital And Supratrochlear Arteries (Glabella Area)

Even though a glabella area is the best choice when it comes to botulinum toxins, it is incredibly dangerous to inject fillers into it. There are two sets of arteries located in this zone – the supratrochlear and the supraorbital arteries. The main task of those is to supply blood to muscles and skin in the scalp region. If there is too much pressure on the blood vessel or in it because of the dermal filler, arterial occlusion or constriction may occur; as a result, they can disintegrate. Also, there is a tiny chance that the gel can flow into the ophthalmic artery, which can be the reason for visual impairment and blindness (rarely).

Infraorbital Region And Nasojugal Fold

Typically, this area is characterized by the volume loss in the cheek area (to be more precise, “the apple of the cheek.”) The infraorbital foramen is located approximately 5 to 11 mm below the orbital ridge, and plenty of veins, vessels, and nerve endings are found there. That’s why if administered incorrectly, dermal fillers can lead to specific issues in the eyes and nose areas.

Liquid Nose Job

This procedure is also well-known under the name nasal augmentation. Even though it is possible to reach incredible results with the help of this procedure, the improper injecting technique can lead to dangerous post-treatment reactions and hard-to-deal-with adverse reactions. Due to the delicate location of the external and internal carotid vascular network, there is a chance of the filler flow to the central retinal artery behind the eye. Because this area is incredibly delicate, a patient may face such serious consequences as alar or tip necrosis, ocular ischemia, or even blindness. Also, fillers are forbidden if a person had rhinoplasty in the past.

Medial Angle to the Eyes Orbi

The ophthalmic branch of the internal carotid artery and the angular artery is located in this zone, so it is forbidden to administer dermal filler there. It supplies blood to some mid-face areas (namely, cheeks and nose), as well as have a connection with the ophthalmic artery located at the back of an eye. You compromise blood flow to the nose and the eyes by blocking this vessel.

Oral Commissure

The facial artery goes all the way from the mandible notch to the nasal alar, where it meets the angular artery. Moreover, a bunch of smaller arteries that supply blood to the facial parts is connected to those as well. That’s why it is forbidden to inject fillers into the oral commissure unless the vessel is mapped and or aspirated. It is also crucial for a specialist to be aware of the facial anatomy to ensure the procedure will be conducted successfully and safely for a patient.

You can also read our article about lip fillers in detail: expected results, side effects and care tips. Go and increase your knowledge in this matter.

Anterior Medial Length of the Ear

The external carotid artery runs all the way to the neck and then to the temple artery. It and many more minor vessel connections supply blood to the deep structures of the face (one of the main branches is the infraorbital artery). If not administered with the help of the correct technique, it may lead to numerous issues, one of which is vascular compromise.


Even though people use fillers to correct the jawline shape and enhance its definition, it is crucial to be incredibly cautious during the procedure in order not to hurt the face artery, which is one of the biggest ones in the facial zone. It has a connection with almost all vessel branches, even in the temple area, so it is pretty easy to make a little mistake and hurt a client. The key to success is the correct technique, and that’s the thing no one in the cosmetic beauty sphere should forget.

Primary Safety Rules for Dermal Filler Injections

If we’ve already mentioned no-zones for dermal fillers, it would also be helpful to remind you of the basic safety rules that cosmetic professionals shouldn’t ignore. Besides, potential customers can also find those quite useful to know before the treatment. So, here are six essential safety tips every person should be aware of before trying injectable fillers:

  1. Only labeled, FDS-approved products should be used during the aesthetic procedure. It is crucial to use only gels of the highest quality for perfect results, and brand-name fillers are typically the best match for this purpose. For customers, we would also recommend a doctor’s medical license to be sure their qualification is well enough to treat you and fulfill all your cosmetic beauty needs. By the way, it is impossible to buy dermal fillers online without a license, so if a supplier agrees to sell them without checking it, the chances are they are scammers;
  2. The next one is for patients as well. Request to see the FDA-labeled injectable from your doctor to make sure it is indeed the original product and not just a similar duplicate. We’ll remind you one more time: safety should always be a priority!
  3. Before the treatment, all possible adverse reactions should be discussed with a medical professional. In this way, a customer will have a better understanding of what to expect and how to prevent some severe symptoms. Also, this step is crucial to explain when to get in touch with a medical professional (if the first signs of severe allergy, skin infections, or filler migration occur, and so on);
  4. This one was already mentioned, but it won’t hurt to repeat it one more time: don’t buy fillers that are free to public access. All products for aesthetic treatments are meant for professional use only; thus, anything that can be sold to a random person is either fake or expired;
  5. Dermal filler is not a cosmetic product and, therefore, cannot be injected at home. The correct administration technique, as well as treatment plan, are crucial for a successful procedure and fabulous results in the end. That’s why home-based administration is forbidden and cannot be performed by an amateur;
  6. Fillers are not suitable for body contouring. By administering injectable gels into the body, a person may cause great damage to both their aesthetic looks and general well-being. Fillers are meant only to treat small facial areas on the superficial, middle, or deep dermis layer. There are plenty of cosmetic procedures in the beauty sphere, so it is possible to discuss the best body contouring options with a medical professional in the clinic.


To Sum Up: Dermal Filler Danger Zones

Dermal fillers can help reach incredible aesthetic results if used by a qualified person with plenty of experience in this field. Human anatomy is very complicated, there are a lot of connections, and because of irresponsible doctors who don’t know all the nuances, great harm can be done to the customers. Today, we have discussed all basic danger zones for dermal fillers, so hopefully, now you understand this topic much better. Don’t forget that the patient’s safety is the main priority of any treatment, so don’t ignore safety rules and make sure to talk through all the rules and possible treatment outcomes before performing the procedure. Thank you for visiting our blog; stay tuned for more exciting articles in the future!

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